1.2.8. Receiving SMS Text Messages with XGnokii on Linux

It is easy to use XGnokii to receive SMS text messages on Linux. Simply click the Messages menu in the Short Message Service window and then check the Activate SMS reading item (see figure 3). After that, every SMS text messages received will appear in XGnokii's inbox. To see the contents of the inbox, click the Inbox item in the Short Message Service window (see figure 2).

To remove an SMS text message from the inbox, first highlight the text message you want to delete in the Short Message Service window. Then click the Messages menu and choose the Delete menu item (see figure 3). Note that the deletion will be reflected on the mobile phone, i.e. XGnokii not only will delete the SMS text message copy stored in its inbox, but also will delete the original SMS text message on the mobile phone.

Similarly, if you delete an SMS text message on the mobile phone, the deletion will be reflected in XGnokii's inbox.

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