8.4. Universal Selector
The universal selector is the * character. It selects all tags in an XHTML MP document. The following XHTML MP/WCSS example demonstrates the usage of the universal selector in cascading style sheets.
"-//WAPFORUM//DTD XHTML Mobile 1.0//EN"
* {
of Contents</h1>
Tutorial Chapter 1<br/>
WCSS Tutorial Chapter
WCSS Tutorial Chapter
In the above example, the WAP CSS style rule "color: blue" is applied to all tags. So, all text (except the title. Note: WAP CSS styles cannot be applied to the <title> tag) and the horizontal rule will be rendered in blue color. The screenshots of the example in mobile phone emulators is shown below.
Using universal selectors in cascading style sheets can slow down the rendering of a WAP page on some WAP browsers (e.g. Openwave Mobile Browser 6.x). You should check your WAP page on real mobile devices to ensure the performance loss is not significant.
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- 1. WCSS (WAP CSS) Introduction
- 2. Wireless CSS and Wireless Profile CSS
- 3. Advantages of Using WAP CSS Style Sheets on Mobile Internet Sites
- 4. Disadvantages of Using WAP CSS Style Sheets on Mobile Internet Sites
- 5. Syntax Rules of WCSS
- 6. Comments in WCSS
- 7. How to Apply WCSS Styles to an XHTML MP Document
- 8. Different Types of Selectors
- 9. Div and Span Element of XHTML MP
- 10. Cascading Rules for Handling Multiple Groups of WCSS Styles Applied to the Same Element
- 11. Common Types of Property Value
- 12. WCSS Font and Text Properties
- 13. WCSS List Properties
- 14. WCSS Color Properties
- 15. WCSS Border Properties
- 16. WAP Specific Extensions to CSS
- 17. WCSS Access Key Extension
- 18. WCSS Input Extension
- 19. WCSS Marquee Extension
- 20. Matching WCSS Cascading Style Sheets to Different User Agents